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Welcome to the Tufting Equipment Documentation page, your comprehensive guide to the maintenance and operation of tufting equipment essential for creating stunning rugs and carpets. Here, you'll find detailed instructions and insights into the care and usage of the Tufting Gun 2-1 Cut and Loop (AK-1), Tufting Gun - Loop (AK-2), Rug Trimmer, and Flat Shearing Machine.

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What oil should i use on tufting gun?

What Oil Should You Use on Your Tufting Gun? When it comes to maintaining your tufting gun, proper lubrication is crucial for smooth operation and to prevent overheating. Here’s a straightforward guide on choosing and applying the right oil. Best Oils for Your Tufting Gun: Sewing Machine Oil: This is the top recommendation due to its light viscosity and ability to keep your machine running smoothly without leaving residue. One of the most premium sewing oils is our Eurol® Oil. WD40: Cheap options that basically makes the work done, but sewing machine oil is better for regular maintenance because it’s specifically designed for mechanisms like those in tufting guns. Both options are correct choices for oiling a tufting gun. Addi...

Maintenance of flat shearing machine

As a proud owner of a flat shearing machine, it's important to ensure that it remains in top-notch condition to deliver consistent and efficient results. Proper maintenance not only prolongs the life of the machine but also guarantees the quality of the finished products. Here are some essential maintenance tips straight from the factory that will keep your flat shearing machine in prime working condition. Blade Maintenance Regular maintenance of the blades is crucial for optimal performance. After each use, it is recommended to clean the blades to remove any residual hairs or debris that may have accumulated. This can be done by gently blowing out any floating hairs from the blades using compressed air. Additionally, if you notice that t...

Rug trimmer maintenance guide

Proper maintenance of your rug trimmer is essential to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Follow these guidelines to keep your rug trimmer in top condition:   Regular Cleaning: After each use, clean the blades and cutting area of the rug trimmer to remove any accumulated yarn fibers, dust, or debris. Use a soft brush or cloth to wipe down the surfaces, ensuring smooth operation and preventing clogs and friction. Lubrication: Apply a small amount of lubricating oil to the moving parts of the rug trimmer, such as the blade and trimmer to trimmer head contact points (check picture bellow showing what to oil). This helps reduce friction and ensures smooth movement during operation. Be sure to use a lubricant suitable ...

Maintenance of tufting gun (AK-1)

By following these maintenance guidelines, you can ensure that your tufting gun remains in optimal condition, delivering high-quality tufts consistently. Proper care and attention will extend the life of your equipment, allowing you to create beautiful rugs and carpets for years to come. Tufting gun maintenance is dived into 3 important sections to follow. Basic Maintenance Proper maintenance of your tufting gun is crucial for its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some fundamental steps to keep your machine in top condition: Regular Cleaning: Dust and debris can accumulate in the moving parts of the machine, affecting its functionality. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any buildup and ensure smooth operation. Check ...

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